Wednesday, February 13, 2013

20130213 - 2nd WGS Boggle Mini

18 players took part in the 2nd WGS Boggle Mini, a higher participation rate than 14 of last year. The players were seeded by results from the 1st WGS Boggle Mini, and unseeded players were arranged by alphabetical order, with the exception of players 16 and 17 being added in last minute, and players 18 and 19 to enter only during later rounds, to arrive at the start list below.

Seeding Player Rank from 1st Mini Remarks
1 Gabriel Cheang 1st -
2 Dillon Tay 8th -
3 Ong Xing Long 10th -
4 Lim Wen Zhen 11th -
5 Nicholas Tan 14th -
6 Ang Jin Yang - -
7 Chin Hsien Juen - -
8 Victor Chua - -
9 Dang Chun Kin - -
10 Jeremy Su - -
11 Liew Kian Boon - -
12 Sarah Teo - Played Rd1-4
13 Seline Kok - -
14 Tay Jing En - -
15 Yvonne Pow - -
16 Wilson Chan - -
17 Lim Yee Siang - Played Rd1-3
18 Aaron Chong - Played Rd4-8
19 Varun Govind Raj - Played Rd7-8

The pairings system used was Australian Draw, though we tweaked the pairings to allow those who came later to play more rounds instead of receiving 'byes'. After 8 exciting rounds, the tournament concluded with the results below.

Rank Player Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Rd 6 Rd 7 Rd 8 Wins Spread
1 Gabriel Cheang vs 8 (232-174, +58) vs 4 (156-123, +33) vs 14 (167-136, +31) vs 5 (150-110, +40) vs 2 (177-171, +6) vs 3 (137-133, +4) vs 7 (130-87, +43) vs 9 (145-81, +64) 8 +279
2 Liew Kian Boon vs 5 (245-256, -11) vs 3 (164-160, +4) vs 11 (228-149, +79) vs 4 (115-112, +3) vs 1 (171-177, -6) vs 14 (182-134, +48) vs 13 (166-158, +8) vs 10 (158-134, +24) 6 +149
3 Victor Chua vs 16 (161-153, +8) vs 2 (160-164, -4) vs 6 (138-145, -7) vs 15 (189-116, +73) vs 9 (211-187, +24) vs 1 (133-137, -4) vs 4 (44-40, +4) vs 5 (181-167, +14) 5 +108
4 Wilson Chan vs 17 (169-116, +53) vs 1 (123-156, -33) vs 15 (181-140, +41) vs 2 (112-115, -3) vs 5 (140-137, +3) vs 7 (117-104, +13) vs 3 (40-44, -4) vs 11 (162-137, +25) 5 +95
5 Dillon Tay vs 2 (256-245, +11) vs 11 (141-116, +25) vs 9 (120-110, +10) vs 1 (110-150, -40) vs 4 (137-140, -3) vs 12 (104-89, +15) vs 8 (201-180, +21) vs 3 (167-181, -14) 5 +25
6 Seline Kok vs 15 (140-121, +19) vs 14 (148-161, -13) vs 3 (145-138, +7) vs 7 (94-107, -13) vs 12 (82-89, -7) vs 10 (105-125, -20) Bye (+50) vs 19 (115-30, +85) 4 +108
7 Ang Jin Yang vs 10 (149-165, -16) vs 12 (123-94, +29) vs 16 (98-100, -2) vs 6 (107-94, +13) vs 8 (174-151, +23) vs 4 (104-117, -13) vs 1 (87-130, -43) Bye (+50) 4 +41
8 Jeremy Su vs 1 (174-232, -58) vs 17 (142-108, +34) vs 10 (172-114, +58) vs 9 (154-156, -2) vs 7 (151-174, -23) vs 13 (137-132, +5) vs 5 (180-201, -21) vs 14 (167-164, +3) 4 -4
9 Tay Jing En vs 12 (139-124, +15) vs 10 (202-169, +33) vs 5 (110-120, -10) vs 8 (156-154, +2) vs 3 (187-211, -24) vs 11 (105-106, -1) vs 14 (169-136, +33) vs 1 (81-145, -64) 4 -16
10 Yvonne Pow vs 7 (165-149, +16) vs 9 (169-202, -33) vs 8 (114-172, -58) vs 11 (138-148, -10) vs 15 (117-93, +24) vs 6 (125-105, +20) vs 12 (123-116, +7) vs 2 (134-158, -24) 4 -58
11 Ong Xing Long vs 18 (132-120, +12) vs 5 (116-141, -25) vs 2 (149-228, -79) vs 10 (148-138, +10) vs 13 (121-128, -7) vs 9 (106-105, +1) vs 15 (148-134, +14) vs 4 (137-162, -25) 4 -99
12 Nicholas Tan vs 9 (124-139, -15) vs 7 (94-123, -29) vs 18 (145-132, +13) vs 17 (142-133, +9) vs 6 (89-82, +7) vs 5 (89-104, -15) vs 10 (116-123, -7) vs 15 (166-166, +0) 3.5 -37
13 Aaron Chong - - - vs 14 (154-143, +11) vs 11 (128-121, +7) vs 8 (132-137, -5) vs 2 (158-166, -8) vs 17 (114-89, +55) 3 +60
14 Dang Chun Kin Bye (+50) vs 6 (161-148, +13) vs 1 (136-167, -31) vs 13 (143-154, -11) vs 17 (145-114, +31) vs 2 (134-182, -48) vs 9 (136-169, -33) vs 8 (164-167, -3) 3 -32
15 Lim Wen Zhen vs 6 (120-139, -19) Bye (+50) vs 4 (140-181, -41) vs 3 (116-189, -73) vs 10 (93-117, -24) vs 17 (150-124, +26) vs 11 (134-148, -14) vs 12 (166-166, +0) 2.5 -95
16 Lim Yee Siang vs 3 (153-161, -8) vs 18 (103-81, +22) vs 7 (100-98, +2) - - - - - 2 +16
17 Chin Hsien Juen vs 4 (116-169, -53 vs 8 (108-142, -34) Bye (+50) vs 12 (133-142, -9) vs 14 (114-145, -31) vs 15 (124-150, -26) vs 19 (102-53, +49) vs 13 (89-144, -55 2 -109
18 Sarah Teo vs 11 (120-132, -12) vs 16 (81-103, -22) vs 12 (132-145, -13) Bye (+50) - - - - 1 +3
19 Varun Govind Raj - - - - - - vs 17 (53-102, -49) vs 6 (30-115, -85) 0 -134

Congratulations to:

Jeremy Su who won the best word prize with 2x 8 letter words: GIDDYING and BRITTLER

Dillon Tay who won the highest round score prize with 120 + 136 = 256

Victor Chua for getting overall 3rd

Liew Kian Boon for getting overall 2nd

Gabriel Cheang for getting overall 1st

Our next NTU event will be our Scrabble Mini to be held on 17th March 2013 (Sunday), so hope to see you there!

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