Monday, May 28, 2012

Updates - 28 May 2012

The only thing i have to say about Bishan RC Mini held on 27th May is, "Woot! No NTU Players!" (Lucky I nv go if not I'd be bored and lonely...) Anyhow, the next local scrabble event will be the 1st Jurong Green CC Mind Sports Day held on 16 June 2012.

Anyway, I would just like to bring to light two innocent looking words which I discovered in my never-ending quest for words. They have an unexpected amount of hooks (to me) and any sly fox can utilize them to their advantage against an innocent rabbit over the board.

Behold: ORAL takes B, C, G, H, L, M, P, R, S in front. This is pretty useful as the only 'common' english word is CORAL. Imagine setting up ORAL in front of the double letter square at the bottom left corner of the board. Your opponent doesn't have any more 'C's, makes a face at you, and you slam down your tiles the next move, eating the triple word with a minimum of 30 points. Delicious!

P.S. Don't try this against a Tier A player though. By trying this, you accept that all consequences are not my responsibility, even if your opponent plays HOAX scoring 66 points.

On the other hand, SAME takes Y as a front hook, and K, L, N, S, Y as back hooks. None of these are 'normal' english words, and any decent english student would hesitate to put even 's' behind same. Try counting how much SAMEK would net you across the double word and triple letter. At least 40. Tasty...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

13 May 2012 - Jurong Green Mini

Only 3 NTU WGS players, Gabriel, Kai Yuan and Eugene took part in this scrabble competition, with Kian Boon as tournament director. The overall tournament participation was relatively small, compared to the previous Jurong Green CC Open Chps, and the tournament proceeded in a round robin for both Divisions A and B.

While we had no outstanding results today, interestingly, more than one other player commented on the large influx of NTU players during the previous Jurong Green Open, but who had all disappeared again. It was like a bunch of predators waiting for fresh meat, striking in packs and eliminating their prey, before disappearing into the shadows again. (Ok I bs-ed the last line lol)

Full Results here

Don't forget that there's another Scrabble Mini 2 weeks later on the 27th of May, this time at Bishan Heights RC!

And I'll end off with a brain teaser - What's the front hook of 'GAG'? Highlight below for the answer (Sorry for the lameness - i came up with it myself).

Ans: 9GAG